想要移除autodesk的戳記有二種方法,一種是儲存dxf,另一種是利用DWG TrueView。
There are two ways to remove AUTODESK EDUCATION Design Feed. One is saving as .dxf file and the other one is using DWG TrueView.
There are two ways to remove AUTODESK EDUCATION Design Feed. One is saving as .dxf file and the other one is using DWG TrueView.
It's showing to save as .dxf file.
單擊滑鼠左鍵 -> A
另存 -> 其他格式
儲存至想要的地方後 選 .dxf -> 儲存
之後再將剛才儲存的檔案開啟後 就會發現AUTODESK教育產品製造標誌 不見了